Two intrepid rural Australian physicians visited Inuvik recently to see how rural medicine is practised in the arctic. Professor Richard Murray is Dean of Medicine and Head of the School of Medicine and Dentistry at James Cook University (JCU). Dr. Sophie Couzos, his wife, is Professor of General Practice and Rural Medicine at the same university. Richard is currently President of ACCRM (the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine) one of two colleges in Australia responsible for setting and arbitrating standards for the medical specialty of general practice. Their programs particularly focus on the unique scope and depth of clinical skills, knowledge and values that are required by practitioners working in rural and remote contexts.
Richard, Peter Clarkson (Public Administrator for the Beaufort-Delta Health and Social Services Authority) and Braam de Klerk.
Although the cold temperatures and snow were new, the medical challenges and joys were very familiar.
On the iceroad to Tuktoyaktuk: COLD!
Can you see Australia down there?